Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kids nowadays.

i cant sleep because it's raining, and i LOVE the thumpingy sound too much that my eyes just wont shut. so, i browsed through my facebook homepage. and this thing hit me. i realised that kids nowadays, are very much different than us.

fr example, my 11 year old cuz, surprised me when she typed '' lha ,, mlm - mlm poon x tdho lg kerx?'' never have i dare write or type something like this when i was 11. i dont even know what it meant back then.

and yesterday, a 13 year old boy, my junior, he went on a bitching rampage. he commented on his ''BAJET GEDIK'' seniors's status and photos. using undescribable words. words strictly forbidden, EVEN FR ME! i dont know what's wrong with him, but it sure scared the hell outta me.

and tday, again, i witnessed a fight btween primary school kids. i've never fought on facebook when i was 12. well, until i was15 actually. haha. aaah, the good old Mypace era.

i do hope the kids wont get carried away with this whole technology thingy. too much of anything is never good.

* tadi managed to learn 2 new dance fr perbarisan. susah gila.

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