Tuesday, November 1, 2011

politic madness between me and shah

ok, nama dia shyamimi alif. i called him shah. i think everyone pun calls him shah. anywayyy, AKU SUKA GILA CAKAP PASAL POLITIK DGN DIA! dia pro BN lah kan. we'r on the same side. AND DIA PUN BUDAK JOHORR! and today kitorg sama sama worried on the upcoming PRU.

i havent talk about politic fr quite some time. last after budget dibentangkan. and today TERstart talk about politic, and CANT STOP. we found few pages mcm belia benci umno, kami benci saiful bukhari. and seriously, we're worried about malaysia's future. ada 25k belia against umno. what'll happen in the next 10 years?? PRU yg akan dtg ni, macam mana??

i dont think there's an answer fr my question. guess we just gotta wait and see

ps: shah, sbb kau aku x tido lagi. esok aku xleh bangun, mmg salah kau. ahaha.

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