Friday, November 11, 2011


OKAYY, today's friday. and im already HOME! H.O.M.E

last week i stayed at home from friday, till tuesday. yeah, tuesday. and 3 days later (today), im right here in jb.

btw, sir t6 said i acted like a school kid. and his exact words were '' eh awak ni dah kat university pun perangai macam budak sekolah. macam mana nak dapat kerja nanti??''

ehh whattapak?! im only 18 T__T lambat lg nak kerja. im pretty sure i'll be all matured when the time comes. :D watch me. ha ha ha. -.-


  1. what made the lecturer say that?? haha

  2. hahah faten aka pateng main main rambut aku. like kusutkan and all. so i took her hand, and i licked it. HAHAHA.
